Change timezone linux redhat
Change timezone linux redhat

change timezone linux redhat

Use the following command mv /etc/localtime /etc/localtime-old If you wish, backup the previous timezone configuration by renaming it to a backup name.

  • The /usr/share/zoneinfo directory may vary depending on your Linux distribution.
  • Choose the most appropriate region by pressing the corresponding number. A list of time zone regions will be displayed. Change to the directory /usr/share/zoneinfo. PST in this case refers to the current timezone (Pacific Standard Time).

    change timezone linux redhat

    The terminal will display the date in the following format: Mon Aug 12 12:15.

    change timezone linux redhat

    Open the terminal and check which timezone your machine is currently using by executing the date command. This will change the timezone on your system. Navigate to the region and city that best matches your location and select it. Each distribution will open a slightly different menu, but all generally perform the same function. Enter the following command based on the Linux distribution you are using: This method will open an ASCII menu that will allow you to choose your timezone.

  • After selecting your general location, select the closest city.
  • This will help narrow down the correct timezone for you. Most every distribution will have a graphic map that you can use to select your location.
  • Select your location on the world map.
  • Depending on your distribution, you may have to select a timezone tab first.
  • Click your currently selected timezone.
  • The menu options are similar for most Linux distributions.
  • Alternatively, you can click on the clock and select Time and Date settings from the menu.
  • Click on the System menu and select Administration.

  • Change timezone linux redhat